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Access Through Action
As a startup organization, we are still learning. We have more than one endeavor in mind to help the disabled community and their allies. Beginning with an idea and pursuing informed and practical steps to make the idea tangible takes time. We are up for the challenge. We have decided to work on one endeavor at a time, instead of waiting until all potential aspects are functional. Someone once told us anything will help. Keeping this sentiment in mind we hope presenting our first and second endeavors will provide Immediate assistance when searching for resources and making connections.
An Ohio Nonprofit Organization
Current and Future Endeavors

The Navigator
The Navigator is made for the disabled community, by the community. It is a directory of resources that have the potential to help those in need. Simply its purpose is to bring awareness to existing resources. One cannot receive help from something they do not know is in existence. If you know of any resources aimed at helping the disabled or their allies in the state of Ohio, feel free to e-mail us with potential entries.
Future Endeavor
This potential future endeavor is need-based for the disabled community.
Question and Answer
What type of organization are you?
We are an Ohio 501c3 public charity with educational and charitable purposes.
Do you provide financial assistance for an individual in need?
No, we are a public charity and focus on matters that help the community versus a single individual. However, you may be able to find a helpful resource within The Navigator. The Navigator is located within the endeavors page.
Can I donate previously used adaptive or mobility equipment to your organization?
Not yet, we are a startup and hope to tackle this in the future.
Can I make a financial donation to your organization?
Yes, at the top of the website menu tap donate now. You can donate online, by text, or by mailed check.
I know of a potential resource in Ohio that aims to help adults with disabilities, can it be added to The Navigator?
Please send us an email with the resource you are familiar with. We will take a look, they must have a website. Make sure to include their website address in the body of your email.
How can I connect with your organization on social media?
We have both Facebook and LinkedIn. You can find them in the footer of the website.
Q and A
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